Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sacre Brrrrr!

It's snowed here yesterday and last night, it's the twin's first snow, so of course I had to take them outside and take photos. Even if it means taking an hour to bundle them up to only take them outside for five minutes to take pictures and bring them right back in and strip them down in less than 2 min....that is what I have to do.

Below is the reward of all my hard work, it was nap time, so they weren't going to ham it up for the camera this time. I have others that have obvious snow in it, but this is the only one where they do not look like their little heads aren't turning red with baby hulk rage.

Here is a view of the Cohansey river from our second story window...doesn't look like any bodies floating in it today, what can I say, you get the occasional suicidal vagrant or drunk that falls in from time to time(jk)

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