Sunday, December 21, 2008

What it is to be

The Chambered Nautilus is where I live, it was named that once upon a time by a former owner due to the the narrow spiral staircase that spiralled through the center of three floors. But the name for me is more than just based on a staircase as this building represents so many facets of my life, it houses my family, my business, my hopes, my future and happiness.

With this blog I hope to chronicle my ongoing pursuit for happiness, I made a decision just before turning 30 that I would change my life and not live my third decade on this planet as I had the last one. Before 30 I was in a state of arrested development, in a miserable marriage for ten years where being a housewife was not rewarding, alienated my friends, no career, countless miscarriages, chronically sick and depressed, nothing to show for my life except my daughter. In 2007 I left that life, it's been 14 months now and I have to show for my choice my infant twins, Jack and Annabel, a new home which also houses my store The Church of Vintage, new friends, a new love, a new life in general.

the Chambered Nautilus ,circa 1873,before moving in